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Rescheduled Winston Salem Fall Cotillion - to Spring 2021 Enrollment NOW OPEN

What a strange and unbelievable time! Our Phase 3 here in NC has not happened to date, however, we hope to see this occur by January of 2021. I am feeling optimistic about this, and here’s what it says:

Lessen restriction for vulnerable populations with encouragement to continue practicing physical distancing.

Allow increased capacity at restaurants, bars, other businesses, houses of worship and

entertainment venues.

Further increase the number of people allowed at gatherings.

With this in mind, I would like to present our Winston Salem Cotillion Spring 2021 dates for you! Please note:

Cotillion Dates and Times

Forsyth Country Club

6th Grade 5:30 – 6:30 pm Wednesday, October 7

7th Grade 6:45 – 7:45 pm Wednesday, October 14

8th Grade 8:00 – 9:00 pm Wednesday, October 21

Wednesday February 24

Wednesday, March 3

Wednesday, March 10

Wednesday, March 17

Wednesday, March 24

Parent Party/DJ Party Wednesday, March 24

8:00 – 9:00 pm

Girls will wear Sunday party dresses and white gloves.

Boys will wear coat and tie, dress slacks and dress shoes.

Parents of 6th graders are cordially invited to

attend the Wednesday, March 24th class at the regularly

scheduled time to observe and dance with their children.

7th and 8th graders will enjoy a special class at the

regular time on Wednesday, March 24th. Parents will not attend.

While formal invites will go out in early December, payments will be online only for 2021 – we will offer refunds if we need to as class time nears if we cannot meet in person. Classes will be limited in size to 40 students in each class at this time and may increase in size the closer we get to class time. We will maintain a waiting list – and it is first come first served. Masks will be required as will a temperature check at the door. Social distancing will be in force, and we will adhere to all guidelines presented. Curriculum will be adjusted as needed. Covid waivers will need to be signed online before payment will be accepted. Classes may be held out of doors if needed! Sign up today at

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